3 franking machine alternatives
According to OFCOM, one in five UK businesses say that real post is core to their operation and the UK alone is still sending over 12 billion items of post every year.
We all know we should email because it’s “free”.
We also know we shouldn’t print unnecessarily (every office has a you-know-who, giving you a disapproving look when you print an email out).

So why do we do it? Why aren’t we paperless offices by now?
Simply, some things just look better and read easier when they’re printed and SMEs frequently tell us that invoices get paid faster or their customers feel more valued when they send their communication by post.
We process some types of communication better when it’s in printed format. That’s just the way it is and that’s why 90% of people in the UK say they can’t live without a letterbox according to the Direct Marketing Association.
Something else to note is that not all communication can be sent via email. Industries such as insolvency have regulatory post requirements, where the communication must be sent as a physical letter.
Let’s take a look at the alternatives.
- Stamps
“Aren’t they lots more expensive for post?!” Yes, they are. But have you run the numbers on your franking machine lately? Most businesses we speak to, don’t get a return on their investment.
If you’re not sending much post, stamps are much cheaper than a franking machine lease. If you’re sending less than 200 letters per month, stamps may be a more cost effective solution than a franking machine lease.
With stamps you pay for just, well, the stamp. There’s no ink costs, no leases (and no troublesome contracts)!
Email. It’s not a viable option for everyone and your data needs to be up to date (let’s write ‘GDPR’ here, just because it wouldn’t be an article without it!)
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, although it’s better for the environment, email can be less effective, what with clogged inboxes and the dreaded spam section your email might fall into.
Plus some information, especially when dealing with legal issues, must be sent by post, which means email isn’t a useful tool for those with regulatory postal requirements.
Email is a good method for sending general updates and information to your customers, but doesn’t work for everyone all the time, which means you may have to consider another option on our list to fit your requirements.
- Online franking
It’s the best of both worlds.
Just upload your letters using a simple PC application or cloud-based portal and your letter will be securely printed and posted.
You get the low postage costs without the clunky franking machine and the long contracts.
Online franking is the new posting trend, click here, to find out more.